Quote of the Day:

You're a beautiful, unique snowflake and shit.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Who turned on the air conditioner?

Right now, I’m cold. I know the temperature outside isn’t too bad, and I know the temperature inside is reasonable. This does little to change the fact that my fingers are difficult to move and feel like they may fall off. Can we talk about something for a second? When I am wearing a jacket, why do people insist on asking me if I’m cold? Honestly, unless I’m going to shoplift or am moving and can’t carry anything more, for what other reason would I be wearing a jacket? And why would you ask unless you hold the power to make the temperature more comfortable for me? They don’t do it solely out of compassion, mind you, because they raise their eyebrows a little and look incredulous, or kind of do that smirk thing. My sensitivity to temperature fluctuations does not make me less of a person! I am comfortable with layering when it is colder. I wish others would not take it as a personal affront when I do not share the same affection as they do for cold weather.

My nose has started to become runny.


Happy Rosh Hashanah.

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