Quote of the Day:

You're a beautiful, unique snowflake and shit.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Probably the coolest. thing. ever.

Have you ever walked in a room with a light occupancy sensor, only it didn’t go off when you entered and so for a split second you worried that maybe it was because you had no soul, and then thought, “oh my god, maybe I’m a vampire!” but then a second later the light did go on, so you relaxed?

Yeah, me neither.

Here’s a picture I drew of a unicorn shooting lasers out of his horn.  Apparently a unicorn’s horn is called an “alicorn”, a distinction I find pretty amusing.  It’s like me stating authoritatively that a dragon’s wings are technically “velociflugens”.  I can make words up, too, people.
"Do you SEE what happens when you mess with a warrior?!?!"

1 comment:

  1. I like this game! Hmmmm, a gnomes pointy hat thing will from this moment forward be referred to as...a...uh...peekifrump!


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