Quote of the Day:

You're a beautiful, unique snowflake and shit.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I've come bearing three gifts.

I don't have Frankenstein, Gold or Myrtle, but as an act of symbolic gratitude to you for reading my musings, today I'm going to share three tidbits about myself, three days before Christmas. 

- I can't stand it when windshield wipers are going an inappropriate speed for the amount of rain falling.  Driving in the rain involves a constant wiper-adjustment for me.  If they go too fast, the mania of the blades drives me crazy and if it's too slow, well, I'm just blind.  It has to be just. right.

- I am afraid of cockroaches...and failure.  True story.

- Although it surely denigrates my professional reputation, at work I dress to amuse myself.  Example: This week, I'm wearing my ugly Christmas sweater to work.  No, we are not having a contest.  No, others are not also dressing up.  I just think it's hilarious and awesome to walk around in a hideous sweater like there's nothing out of sorts about it.  I do this because I would want someone else to do it.  I would think it was funny.  It would probably make my day.  So really, I'm treating others how I would want to be treated.  I'm practically a saint.

1 comment:

  1. "Frankenstein, Gold, and Myrtle" made me pee my pants a little.


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