Quote of the Day:

You're a beautiful, unique snowflake and shit.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Just No

A lot of times when I ask a question, the answer I’ll get is that the person “just knows”.  Most of the time this comes as an answer regarding relationships, though sometimes it’s with regards to other things.  I guess a lot of people have strong intuitions. 

What happens if you never “just know”?  I am kind of a neurotic person- I am constantly analyzing or questioning everything and almost everyone around me.  I’m not paranoid, but I’m not an overly trusting person.  To those that I do trust, I’m an open book.  I don’t make many decisions based on emotion, but I don’t have any less respect for those that do.  I suppose that’s very honest- to react on your emotion, your gut instinct, your first response.  Maybe it’s impulsivity, but maybe it’s also purer.  But where do you draw the line?  When do you trust your heart over your head?  How can anyone know which to trust when big things are on the line?

I’ve always believed that love is illogical- the heart wants what it wants.  I’ll be the first to encourage someone to profess their love, to act on their hearts.  But a profession of love is not the same as the question of whether or not to enter into a relationship or to commit yourself for life- to be married.  Despite what the Beatles said, I don’t think that all you need is love.  I would love to believe that, but I think life intervenes and complicates things constantly.  I fear for the sustainability of relationships not founded on equality- in emotion, intellect, ambition, and financial capability.  Yet I am constantly amazed and filled with awe at the power of love to overcome adversity.  And how could I overlook the many “perfect” relationships that fail left and right? 


I don’t “just know” much of anything, about anything, at any time.  I don’t typically “feel” others’ pain- I understand it.  There’s a difference. 

I wonder how lucky those people that “know”, know they really are?  What a neurotic person wouldn’t pay for some peace of mind…

I guess the only thing anyone can do is just assure themselves that wherever they are, it’s where they’re supposed to be, and whatever may come, will come.  Whatever decision will be made, will be made with the purest of intentions, the cleanest of heart.  Whether it’s the best decision or not, only time will tell.  I guess that’s part of this big adventure called Life.

We don’t know where we’re going.

We don’t know when we’ll get there.

But we’ll know when we’re there. 

1 comment:

  1. I think considering things the way you do and acting on things the way you act is just as pure. Because it's who you are, it's genuine. For some, impulse is comfortable and familiar while, for others, further thought is necessary. Either way, it's who you are and that's what works for you. Also, I completely agree with your assessment of love. I consider myself more of an idealist than a romantic but too am often awed by the power of love.


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