There are some things that most people already know, but every once in a while, hearing someone else say them makes you feel like you're truly getting it for the first time. I've heard a lot of this lately, but because this is my blog, I'm going to lay some down in the hopes that they touch any willing ear:
If you treat people like shit, they will not appreciate it. They may not react in an unlady-like or ungentlemanly fashion, but it's just not neighborly, so maybe just don't do it.
If you're into kicking people out of your metaphorical life-house, and you shut and lock the door on people you care about, don't bother asking yourself why you feel so alone. It's because you took deliberate steps to make it so. If you're guilty of this and the previous item noted above, maybe think about it for a minute. I'm not saying apologies are in order, but just be honest if this is you, or you've been there, and ask yourself, "What Would Jesus Do?" I'm betting Jesus Would Stop Being a Douche-Knuckle. If you want the more Disney version of that story, the moral is to treat others as you would like to be treated. Which is likely not very douchey.
If you don't have any idea what's going on in your sister's, your cousin's, or your old best friend's life- you probably haven't put enough effort into finding out. I don't recommend stalking because that's your prerogative and I try not to give weird advice on public forums, but in this day and age, and with how accessible everyone on earth is, unless your loved ones are living in a shack in the Appalachians, you don't have a good reason for being oblivious.
If you don't like honesty, don't say you do. Some people prefer to be talked to and treated gently, and there's really nothing wrong with that. Other people like things good and blunt. Both are time-tested methods. Just know which team you're playing for, and don't hold it against people when you've switched sides or got confused about which side you were on.
Be grateful for every single day you have on this earth. If you're alive, if you're sober, if you have a job (even if your boss is paid 6x as much as you and doesn't know how to adjust their chair or figure out the difference between a computer screen finger-smudge and a broken computer), if you have a roof over your head, if you have family, if you have friends, if you have ANYBODY that gives a shit if you show up tomorrow- be grateful. I have a cat that may kill me someday because I am so unbelievably allergic to it- but I'm grateful every time that little monster jumps up on to my tummy and purrs because I know that by god- at least HE is happy for a minute that I'm in his life. Some days that's all you need to feel good. Be grateful for your life and the people in it that make it special, and show your appreciation, because the smallest gestures can mean so much. I've never heard someone complain, "Gawd, my friends are TOO good to me, always calling to see how my life is, or to invite me to do things with them". I've never heard, "I HATE it when my mom tells me she loves me."
I don't know much, but if you've contemplated giving me an intervention because I was being an asshole - I'm sorry. I'm learning a lot this year, and I'm trying to learn a lot more, and god willing, I'm going to be a better person. I'm grateful for my wonderful family, that's always awesome but has shown me exceptional patience and understanding this year. I'm grateful even when my granny suggests I start Riverdancing to lose weight, because at least in her funny way, she's showing me she cares about my health. I'm grateful that my sister and I say the same things all the time, because at least I know that as crazy as I am, there are two of us roaming around. I'm grateful for my friends, especially the ones that invite me into their homes, to spend time with their beautiful families. It's nice to be around so much love. I'm grateful for the friends that invite me to lunch just to catch up. I'm grateful for the ones that talk to me on the phone, that lend an ear and some sense when I can't figure things out. I'm grateful for the friends that I don't see often but still will text me random things on Halloween. It's nice to be thought of, even if it's for a split second. I'm grateful for the forgiveness people show me when I go on passive-aggressive or bitter rants. Thank you for loving me in spite of my ugly moments, and for seeing our friendship to the other side of that. Thank you for having faith in me, that I will get over myself and return to being the one you befriended in the first place. I'm grateful that I have things for which to be grateful.
Thank you, and stay tuned until next time.